France in India

France in India – Indiais a country that will always surprise us. Each region is different in terms of cuisine, languages, customs and customs. This country has experienced many invasions including those of English and French who have left remarkable traces. This article will introduce you to small France who resides in India. The French Indies which remained colonized until 1954 included the regions of Pondicherry, Yanam, Mahé, Karikal and Chandannagor in Bengal. The French influence is still visible today in Pondicherry and Chandernagor, and there are so many references to France in India that one article would not be enough. The most obvious example is that of the city of Chandigarh which owes its ultra-modern urban structure to the architectural plans of the famous French architect Le Corbusier. In addition to theThe open hand in Chandigarh

The regions that were under French colonization are today the best examples of the cultural diversity that exists in India. These regions count French as one of their official languages. The names of the streets are indicated in French, and croissants and coffee are very popular! You will feel at home in Pondicherry or Chandernagor.

France in India – Pondicherry 

Is a region of south-east India. Since 2006, it bears the official name of “Puduchérry” which means new city in Tamul. It is considered the Côte d’Azur of the East Coast. In addition to French, English, Telugu, Malayalam and Tamil are also spoken. The French Quarter is called the White City so the Indian Quarter is called the Black City. Both deserve worth a look. There are many monuments to visit in Pondicherry. We can cite the statues of Dupleix, Nehru and Gandhi, the home of the Soldier, the monument to the dead of France, the Ashram (remote place dedicated to meditation) of Sri Aurobindo, the Pondicherry Museum, the Garden Botanic and many others. Of course, the Alliance Française of Pondicherry and the French Consulate are located in Pondicherry. The opposite would have been surprising ! It is a very calm region, far from the noise and the stress of life of big cities. It is good to live. There are also many churches and temples including the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Church of Our Lady of the Angels, the Panchvati Temple, etc.Pondichery

France in India – Chandernagor

Is a city located in the Bengal region, on the right bank of the Hooghly. His official name has recently become Chandnnagar. As in Pondicherry, French references are present everywhere in the city. In addition, the architectural style of the monuments of the city is typically French, probably because it seems that it was created by the French themselves. To see: the Museum and the French Institute, Goretty Castle, Chandannagar Church, Nandadulal Temple, etc.

You will be captivated by the beauty and simplicity of these two cities. The cohabitation between Indian culture and French culture make these two places exceptional.

To discover the region of Pondicherry, India Someday offers the following route:
The duration of the stay; duration of stayPlaces to visit
7-9 daysChennai-Mahabalipuram-Pondicherry-Chettinad


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Harsh Sonawala

About Harsh Sonawala

Harsh est l’un des fondateurs de India Someday. Ils voyage en Inde et partout en Asie depuis qu’il est tout petit. L’excitation qui précède un voyage est ce qui l’a poussé à créer India Someday. Vous le trouverez au bureau à créer des campagnes marketing ou à faire de la plongé dans les Andamans ou à hiberner dans un chalet dans l’Himalaya.

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